I pose a few questions to us all, as a society. Should we have an ICAC? Should we have an independent body, a commission, that can keep an eye on the political decision makers and make sure nothing dodgy is happening? I think yes. What about you?
If you think that we should have someone watching over the decisions makers, do you think that people asked to go and talk to that body, that commission, should be expected to tell the truth? I think yes. What about you?
If people are asked to help that body, the commission, in their search for the truth, do you think that two or more of those people should be allowed to get together and discuss the answers/evidence that they might give? I think no. What about you?
Finally, I put this question to you. If someone is being investigated by this body, or being asked by this body, to help with their investigations, but it turns out that they don’t tell the truth, or that they work with others to cook up a set of answers, should the body, the commission, go after them for not telling the truth? I think yes. What about you?
The NSW ICAC has uncovered some terribly bad behaviour by politicians and public servants. Long may they continue this work. But if they let people tells lies, and cook up false stories, and don’t throw the full force of the law at those that do these types of things, then the ICAC will become a powerless circus of lies and b-s. And if you think that you already don’t trust politicians, imagine what would happen if politicians had no one to answer to!
Well, it’s official! Last week we officially opened our new Police Station in Cessnock. Unfortunately, due to COVID, we couldn’t have the big public celebration that might have attracted thousands of us to the ribbon cutting ceremony, but, in a low key event with just 30 people, we got it done.
Ten years ago, when you first put your trust in me to be our voice in Parliament, I began my campaign for more police. At that time one of our experienced local officers quietly said to “Clayton, we can’t have more cops in Cessnock until we get a bigger Police Station”. Wise words.
Since then, I have pestered and hounded 3 different Police Ministers for the new Police Station. The real breakthrough came when the then Police Minister Troy Grant agreed to visit our local station and informed me that he had previously worked in that very same station, as an officer of the law himself, back in the ‘90’s. In short, he already knew that it was well past its use-by date.
Former Minister Troy Grant worked his backside off to secure the funding for our local men and women in blue. This was supported by the current Police Minister, David Elliott, who himself has family ties to Cessnock. In the end, we got the job done and now we have a once in 100 years facility that will let our local police do the very best work that they can, in the very best working conditions that we can offer. I am so proud and privileged that you let me serve our community.
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For enquiries regarding the State Government or its departments, or to put you in contact with someone who can help, please contact my office. My office can be contacted by phoning 4991-1466, by email to or call into 118 Vincent Street (PO Box 242), Cessnock 2325.
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Cheers Clayton