Raising the Barr

Raising the BARR – Week ending 6/12/2024

KEEPING THE LIGHTS ON – IT’S ALL IMPORTANT FOR CHRISTMAS Just a few weeks ago, the Premier of NSW was asking the people of NSW to be thoughtful about their…

Raising the BARR – Week ending 22/11/2024

A LOT OF IMPORTANT STUFF IN POLITICS RARELY GETS A HEADLINE One of the top 5 complaints that I receive in the Electorate Office is to do with parking fines.…

Raising the BARR – Week ending 08/11/2024

OPINION – WHAT THE US ELECTION INDICATES FOR US Dangerously, this a bit of a stream of consciousness on what I have been able to absorb, understand and mis-understand, interpret…

Raising the BARR – Week ending 25/10/2024

THE POINTY END OF PRIVATISATION IS BEING FELT IN BROKEN HILL When the poles and wires of the NSW electricity network, along with the transmission lines, were sold off by…