State Member for Cessnock Clayton Barr has joined Mayor Bob Pynsent to check on the progress of the $20 million vineyard roads project.
The $20 million vineyard road commitment is being provided by the Government to improve the tourist experience. Mr Barr gives credit to the delivery of this election “promise” to former Editor of The Advertiser, Mr Bruce Wilson.
“The National Party was promising anything and everything in a bid to win the seat of Cessnock at the 2011 Election. Of course, most of their promises came to nothing because the Nationals failed to have their candidate elected. But the former editor of The Advertiser put the visiting Shadow Roads Minister on the spot in February 2011 when he asked if the road funding commitment was “un-conditional”. After a few starts, stammers and coughs, the then Shadow Minister, now Minister Duncan Gay, proclaimed that the funding would indeed be delivered, unconditionally” said Mr Barr.
“As soon as I was elected to Parliament my first order of business was to ensure that the Government honoured their promise and provided these funds – but I can assure everyone that there was considerable resistance and indeed, at one stage Duncan Gay changed the language to “vineyard roads” in a bid to shift some of the funding into the Singleton Shire and Upper Hunter Electorate” Mr Barr said.
“In the end, the Minister was cornered and made good on the promise, but significant recognition should go to the wily Bruce Wilson, former Editor of the Advertiser” said Mr Barr.
“I like everyone, welcome the funding and road improvements. The Cessnock Council work-force, in conjunction with RMS, has done an amazing job. They are all to be congratulated” said Mr Barr.