Tribute to Mary Lawson


Mary Lawson is renowned in Weston and its neighbouring communities as a tireless worker for the Weston Public School Parents and Citizens Organisation as well as spending more than a decade serving on the State parents and citizens organisation. She has served on the parents and citizens organisation for more than 30 years. Her list of accomplishments is both long and well known. Each of her initiatives is founded in her broad vision for the school and understanding of its needs. One of her most prominent projects was her long campaign for Weston Public School to get a security fence. She wrote dozens of submissions and letters to government bodies calling for the fence to be built and eventually it was done.

Mary’s other activities form a long list. They include organising bus trips, cake stalls, canteens, and athletics carnivals. As well as the campaign for the fence Mary has also campaigned for the now complete school hall at Weston and is willing to challenge authority and push her case firmly if she believes the community will benefit. Mary also has been willing to dip into her own pocket to donate prizes, as well as making her famous toffees for school cake stalls. In recent years Mary has lessened her formal roles within the parents and citizens organisation but her level of effort and care remains.
