Raising the BARR – Week ending 12 January 2018

Raising the Barr

Crystal Ball Predictions For 2018

As always, I try to dedicate my first column of the year, in part, to some whacky tongue in cheek predictions for the year ahead. The idea is inspired by so-called psychics who claim to have an ability to see into the future and who often make vague, broad, easy to foresee predictions. A classic example is predicting a Hollywood star, or rock star, will die from a drug over-dose. It’s a bit silly really. Sadly, of course it’s going to happen, it happens every year, it’s hardly a “prediction”.

Last year’s notable predictions: I predicted that the Trump situation in America will come to a crashing end (I’ll let you decide); I predicted that Mike Baird and Malcolm Turnbull would both be goners (I was right with Mike but Malcolm kind of lingers); I predicted the Knights would lift themselves into the top 15 teams in 2017 (I was wrong); I predicted a new road toll (fee$) for the M1 and Hunter Expressway (I was wrong – thankfully); I predicted the NSW Government making an announcement to actually have something made in NSW (I was wrong – sadly); I predicted the sale of the harbour bridge and opera house (new tolls for the HB was offered up as a “sale” in June 2017 but that all went away); I predicted federal Government recognition of gay marriage (Winner!); and I predicted a universal apology from climate change deniers (I was wrong – that’s NEVER going to happen).

So let me turn to 2018 as I look into my crystal ball: I see that Gladys Berejiklian will survive 2018 but she will have to back-flip on her stadium stupidity to do so; Mr Turnbull on the other hand, he is already gone but he just hasn’t left the office yet; Murdoch’s Fox Media in the United States will invent a new reality TV gameshow called “So You Want To Be President?” and the winner actually will become President doing away with elections altogether; 2018 will be the hottest year on record and storms and sea surges will collapse waterfront homes; there will be a miracle breakthrough in solar battery technology; Brad and Jen will finally get back together and Jen will be pregnant for the 43rd time according to the various magazines; a number of footballers will be exposed for abuse of women, violence in nightclubs and drug possession/use; and finally, the global internet will collapse for a full 24 hour period and the world will never recover!

Sydney Stadiums Insanity

In my 7 years as an MP, I haven’t experienced anything like the broad frustration of the community with regard to the proposed $2.5B to be spent on new football stadiums in Sydney. Everywhere I go, everyone I speak to, all seem united in their simple shake of the head as they say “what’s going on with this football stadium stuff?” People aren’t actually after, or expecting, an answer, because there isn’t one. To be completely honest with you, I am yet to speak to a person in the Electorate that thinks this Stadium stuff is a good idea. Not a single one! And that’s got to tell you something because, obviously, not everyone votes Labor.
