One of the proposed new laws that the NSW Parliament will need to consider in the coming weeks is a proposal to change a number of laws that most affect LGBTIQA+ communities.
Personally, I have had the chance to be the Chairperson of an Inquiry into this proposed new law. It was a wonderful experience to read and hear from those with strong views on the subject.
As a way of summarising much of what is being proposed, I would encourage people to think about the adage “live and let live”.
What does that mean?
Well, I am pretty sure that we all have different views about the world’s best sport or the world’s best country or the world’s best religion. These are, of course, our internal beliefs.
In truth, it is clearly not possible to decide which religion is best, or which country is best or which sport is best – because for each of us, we are driven by a different lived history.
I have no beef with people who believe in the greatness of one country or the other. I have no beef with people who believe in the qualities of one sport over the other (although I would like to say that gymnasts are freakishly physically talented people). And I have no beef if people believe in religion, whatever that religion may be, or are non-believers.
The LGBTIQA+ piece of Legislation that is currently before Parliament won’t change my life at all. But very importantly, for some people who have long felt ignored or hated, it will say to them that you are you, you are recognised, and you are entitled to being the person that you are.
Live and let live.