Raising the BARR- Week ending 6 August 2021

Raising the Barr



Last week, across most of the Hunter, we were all asked to go into a lockdown. We have delivered in bucket-loads and we should all be very proud and congratulated.

It is quite eerie to see the streets so empty and to have such little background noise as we don’t see or hear children playing, people moving about and the general hustle and bustle.

None of this is easy. But our champion efforts will help stop the spread of this Delta strain COVID virus.

And yes, there are those selfish individuals that ignore the rules. They are not team players.

The collective “pain” and challenge of the lockdown will last longer and be more severe if selfish people don’t do the right thing – and every time you see them out and about you will know that they care far more about themselves and they care nothing about the rest of “us”.

This is a journey that we need our society to succeed in. Almost everyone in our towns and villages knows this and that is why our response to the lockdown has been so outstanding. Bravo to all!



For regular readers of my Crystal Ball column, at the start of each year you will recall that we were warned by the Ball that COVID Vaccinations were a “complicated process and significant money will be needed to help it all happen. Fingers crossed our Federal and State Governments have a plan for all of this.”

Sadly, the Prime Minister nor the Premier heeded that warning. The Crystal Ball is all wise and all-knowing and should not have been ignored.

While I am not sure where or how the Crystal Ball sources its predictions, I suspect that it might have simply looked to the complication of Vaccine rollouts in other parts of the world, in late 2020, where things were turning out to be much harder than first thought.

And just like my lack of knowing about how the Crystal Ball does its work, I also don’t know how the PM or Premier do their work but I suspect that they themselves might NOT be reading and watching the experiences from overseas. Doh!


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For enquiries regarding the State Government or its departments, or to put you in contact with someone who can help, please contact my office.  My office can be contacted by phoning 4991-1466, by email to cessnock@parliament.nsw.gov.au or call into 118 Vincent Street (PO Box 242), Cessnock 2325.

You can also follow me on my Facebook page “www.facebook.com/claytonbarrmp”, go to Twitter and search @claytonbarrmp or check out my website at www.claytonbarr.com.au

Cheers Clayton
