The Addy is back in print!
Very happy to have The Advertiser back in print. As a community, The Advertiser is just such a brilliant platform through which we share our stories of success and tragedy. It is through The Advertiser that we all learn so much about many of the wonderful things that are happening across our community; things that without The Advertiser would be no less wonderful but would unfortunately be far more invisible. Hip hooray, The Addy!
How to keep up with COVID-19 rules
Are you, like me, struggling to keep up with the constantly changing rules around COVID-19? Seriously, it is a pretty full-time job and even then, there are big areas of grey that don’t quite fit into the black or white baskets.
Unfortunately, we will have to learn to live with this ever-changing landscape for at least the coming few months, or year or two. If we cast our eye south, to Victoria, we can see there how quickly the COVID-19 crisis can rise again.
My very best advice to everyone is this – assume the people that you are meeting with, talking to or having contact with could be infected. So, keep your distance, practice the very best hygiene for your hands and if you feel unwell then self-isolate and get checked.
Our incredible tourism market will continue to attract thousands of visitors every weekend. It’s not hard to imagine a wave of COVID-19 sweeping through and spreading quickly. Take care. COVID-19 is no less dangerous today, than it was in recent months.