Nationals Water Minister Loses Control After Outsourcing Responsibility

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The NSW Labor Opposition has accused the Nationals Water Minister Melinda Pavey of losing control over her own department, following damning revelations during Budget Estimates at NSW Parliament.

Ms Pavey conceded she had no part in the decision to lift an embargo on floodplain harvesting, which left downstream communities angered and confused. She also admitted she did not receive a briefing and could not remember how and when she was notified.

Labor Shadow Water Minister Clayton Barr said it was clear Ms Pavey has outsourced all responsibility.

“It’s extraordinary that Ms Pavey is wiping her hands of all responsibility. She claims to know nothing but it’s obvious she is trying to cover up the fact she has lost control after outsourcing her obligations as Water Minister,” Mr Barr said.

“When it comes to water management in NSW, there is a serious lack of accountability, integrity and transparency. It is extremely concerning to see critical decisions being made without the Water Minister’s involvement or oversight.”
