State Member for the Electorate of Cessnock, Clayton Barr, MP is pleased to announce the successful recipients in the Cessnock Electorate who are to receive funding from the 2021/22 Local Sport Grant Program.
The Local Sport Grant Program aims to increase regular and ongoing participation opportunities in sport and address barriers to participation in sport and active recreation across all electorates in NSW.
The program also aims to increase participation and access for women and girls and population groups under-represented in sport participation including culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, people with a disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (ATSI).
Funding was available for four types of projects: Sport Development, Community Sport Events, Sport Access, and Facility Development. Under each project type varying maximum amounts of funding was available for: Sport Development – $2,000, Community Sport Events – $5,000, Sport Access – $5,000 and Facility Development – $15,000.
Mr Barr said, “The Cessnock Electorate was successful in receiving $48,248.50 under the Local Sport Grant Program to fund a variety of projects including coaching, sporting events and infrastructure such as a new scoreboard, repairs to fencing and improvements to storage facilities.”
The successful recipients for the 2021/2022 Local Sport Grant Program in the Cessnock Electorate are:
- Branxton Greta Swim Club is to receive $2,000.00 for development coaching.
- Abermain Weston Rugby League Football Club is to receive $4,765.00 to assist their women’s team.
- Cardiff Boolaroo District Cricket Club is to receive $4,934.00 to hold a woman’s sporting event.
- Wine Country Cricket Club is to receive $5,000.00 for the Wine Country Cricket Club net refurbishment project.
- Newcastle Hunter Cycling Club is to receive $3,751.50 to go towards NHCC to host the 2022 Cycling State Classic Event.
- Mt Sugarloaf Croquet Club Inc is to receive $6,017.00 to improve storage facilities and security for croquet club equipment.
- Cessnock Rugby League Football Club is to receive $10,000 to complete their scoreboard project.
- Edgeworth Senior Soccer Club Inc. is to receive $11,781.00 to remove and replace damaged field perimeter fencing.
“I would like to offer my congratulations to the successful clubs” said Mr Barr. “This funding will help local sporting clubs within the Cessnock Electorate to upgrade existing equipment and facilities and encourage both males and females to increase their participation in sport.”
Media contact: Clayton Barr on (02) 4991 1466