M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace revised concept design

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The revised concept design for the M1 Pacific Motorway extension to Raymond Terrace is on display for community feedback with comments closing on 6 November 2015. The proposal includes changes to the 2010 design to improve connectivity to the surrounding road network and minimise environmental impacts. While it is not in our electorate, a lot of our community use the roads that will be impacted.

More information, including a map, can be found in the attached project update.  


 Roads and Maritime is carrying out a range of community engagement activities over the next four weeks including a letterbox drop of the postcard shown above to 13,000 properties in the project area, advertising and media activities. Meetings with directly impacted property owners are taking place this week and shopping centre displays are being held on 15 and 17 October. Details here.
