Applications for the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Scholarships 2020 are now open and will close on Friday 31 October, 2019, Clayton Barr, MP, State Member for the Electorate of Cessnock said today.
The DCJ Scholarship Program assists eligible students living in social housing or on the NSW Housing Register to complete their HSC or TAFE equivalent.
“Each scholarship for the 2020 academic year is $1,000 (GST exempt)”, Mr Barr said.
The funds can be used to purchase items or services which can assist the students and includes: text books, study guides, stationery, specialist equipment, course costs, excursions, computer software, printers, childcare, transport and other relevant education materials or services.
To be eligible students must be:
- living in social housing (includes public, community or Aboriginal housing), a social housing applicant, or receiving private rental assistance.
- living in crisis/supported accommodation, or living in out-of-home care.
- studying in Year 10, 11 or 12 at a NSW high school or TAFE in 2020.
- undertaking a school based apprenticeship or traineeship, or studying a VET subject at a NSW high school in 2020.
“We live in one of the most beautiful regions of New South Wales but many of our young students are struggling financially, so these scholarships could very well be a game changer for many local families,” Mr Barr said, “and I would encourage eligible students to apply for the scholarship.”
Guidelines and the application form are available on the Department’s website with applications closing at 5pm on Friday 31 October 2019.