NSW Labor is demanding the Berejiklian Government explain why Singleton has been left waiting for a desperately needed bypass, as the local road network struggles to cope with growing traffic.
Seven years after planning money was first allocated to the project in the 2014-15 Budget, the Government admits it is still “seeking industry feedback on the best way to deliver the bypass”. Under the current timeline, construction will not start for another two and a half years – meaning mid-2023 at the earliest. Even at best current estimates, the road won’t open until late 2026 – more than 12 years after planning started.
NSW Labor Leader Jodi McKay and the Shadow Minister for Roads John Graham joined the Shadow Minister for the Hunter, Clayton Barr, in Singleton to call on the Government to speed up the Singleton Bypass.
“I was here just over a year ago asking the Government to come clean about its promised to build the Singleton Bypass. We still don’t know why it is taking so long to deliver such a vital piece of infrastructure,” Ms McKay said.
“Communities like Singleton cannot be after-thoughts. As someone who grew up in the Hunter region, I understand the importance of this project. There is no time to waste with traffic volumes already increasing in Singleton.”
Labor Spokesperson for Upper Hunter and Shadow Minister for Roads John Graham said: “This bypass is critical and it’s absolutely ridiculous the community is still waiting. It’s been waiting for a long time, and asking them to wait for another two and a half years is cruel and unnecessary.”
Labor Shadow Minister for the Hunter Clayton Barr said: “The bypass will remove up to 15,000 vehicles a day from the CBD. This will completely transform Singleton for the better. The Government is clearly not serious about this project and that is a slap in the face for Singleton and the people of the Hunter.”