The community is invited to have a say on the proposed design for the M1 Pacific Motorway, John Renshaw Drive and Weakleys Drive intersection upgrade at Beresfield.
Roads and Maritime Services is planning to upgrade the intersection to improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for all road users.
The proposal is part of the Australian and NSW governments’ jointly funded M1 Pacific Motorway Productivity Package which includes upgrading the motorway between the Tuggerah and Doyalson interchanges and between the Kariong and Somersby interchanges.
The proposed upgrade involves replacing the existing roundabout with traffic lights to improve the capacity of the intersection for current and future traffic volumes.
The existing two lane roundabout is used by around 4000 vehicles per hour at weekday peak travel times and the improvements aim to increase capacity as volumes increase.
The intersection forms a critical connection between the M1 Pacific Motorway, the Pacific and New England highways and local industrial and commercial precincts.
Community members can view the proposal online or in hard copy at Roads and Maritime Motor Registries in Wallsend, Cessnock and Raymond Terrace or at the Service NSW Centre at Green Hills.
Community members are also invited to drop-in information sessions on Saturday 30 May between 9am and 12pm at East Maitland Library.
Written comments to the proposal are invited until Sunday 14 June, 2015.
Roads and Maritime will consider this feedback when carrying out the concept design and review of environmental factors.
CONTACT: Roads and Maritime Services Media Unit: 8588 5999
More information is available here.