Waste Management is a part of everyone’s daily life. From purchasing goods that generate waste to disposing of that waste, it impacts everyone, and how we manage waste as a community is vital.
The draft Cessnock Waste Management Policy is now on public exhibition. The new Policy is about ensuring residents can easily understand Cessnock City Council’s waste management services and the cost of using these services.
Cessnock City Mayor, Councillor Bob Pynsent said waste is one of the greatest challenges for community and every level of government.
“We need to ensure our waste services are meeting the needs of our community while at the same time working together to reduce the amount of waste we are producing and putting into landfill. Waste comes at a cost to Council and of course a cost to the community. This Policy aims to strike a balance and ensure we are responsibly managing waste as a community.”
“It’s great to see that the draft Policy removes barriers for the more vulnerable in our community. There is provision for eligible businesses to use waste vouchers on behalf of clients that are elderly and with disability. Council is committed to ensuring equity across our services,” he said.
The provision is aimed at ensuring the most vulnerable in our community are not disadvantaged and reflects a resolution of Council earlier in the year for this issue to be addressed.
To view the draft Policy and provide feedback, visit the ‘Have your say’ section of Council’s website. The Policy is on public exhibition until Sunday 30 May.